Human Rights Policy

OOC Group
Human Rights Policy

The OOC Group (hereinafter the “Group”) has established its human rights policy respecting the United Nations’ International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as guidelines for fulfilling its responsibilities for respecting human rights in its business activities, as follows:

Scope of application

This Policy applies to all the Group officers and employees and other persons who work for the Group. The Group will also encourage its business partners and suppliers to understand this Policy.

Human rights related to business activities

The Group recognizes that addressing the following human rights issues related to its business activities is an important element of its human rights responsibilities.

  • Discrimination
    The Group will respect the human rights and diversity of individuals, and work to eliminate any kind of discrimination based on race, gender, age, nationality, disability, physical condition, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
  • Harassment
    The Group will not tolerate any moral or physical harassment by words or actions that make the other party feel uncomfortable.
  • Forced labor and child labor
    The Group will not use forced labor, and not cause children to work who are below the minimum working age stipulated by the laws and regulations of each country or region.
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining rights
    The Group will respect freedom of association and rights to collective bargaining.
  • Working hours and wages, and occupational health and safety
    The Group will comply with all laws and regulations related to the working hours and wages applicable in each country and region. It will also comply with maximum working hours, ensure appropriate rest breaks and holidays, and give consideration to the safety and health of employees, to create comfortable workplace environments.
  • Business partners and supply chain
    The Group will encourage its business partners and suppliers to understand this Policy.
  • Local communities
    The Group recognizes that its business activities may impact health and other human rights in local communities. It aims to fulfill its human rights responsibilities in the communities where it operates, and to contribute to a sustainable society.

Human rights due diligence

The Group will work through the operation of the Risk/Compliance Committee to reduce the risk that human rights issues may occur.

Relief and correction

The Group has established hotline reporting channels for all people who work for the Group to report complaints and make whistle-blowing disclosures, and provides inquiry contacts for customers and other parties on its corporate website.
If it becomes obvious that the Group has caused or been involved in a negative impact on human rights, the Group will work to provide relief through appropriate procedures.

Dissemination of and education on human rights policy

The Group will provide appropriate education to its officers and employees to ensure the effective implementation of this Policy.

Established on December 1, 2023
Masayuki Ando, CEO
Osaka Organic Chemical Industry Ltd.


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